What To Do About Roof Leaks

When your roof springs a leak during a severe storm, your first instinct may be to panic. However, panic often leads to hasty choices and poor decisions, leaving you worse off than you need to be. Asphalt shingles that have sustained damage from high winds, hailstones or broken tree limbs are a legitimate concern for homeowners who find themselves in this situation. However, roof leaks are not uncommon and can be solved by a roofing contractor.

Water intrusion is not something to be taken lightly. Left unattended, water intrusion can lead to rotting of the drywall, destroyed insulation, warped ceilings and compromised structural integrity. In worse-case situations, untreated water intrusion can lead to mold or mildew overgrowth. The presence of mold in living quarters can cause health problems such as migraine headaches, itchiness and bleeding in the lungs. If the mold/mildew is not removed or treated, the roof of the home may collapse. If you suspect that you have moisture intrusion in your roof, contact a Middletown roofing expert as soon as possible.

Not all situations are as obvious as a tree branch stuck in your roof or holes punched by oversized hail.

Roof leaks can be very difficult to pinpoint, especially if you are unable to trace the leak from inside the house. The first sign of a roof leak is often a stained ceiling. While stains can be used to locate a leak, they are not always the most accurate gauge of where the leak actually is. Once you have ruled out plumbing, roof scuppers, condensation and other potential leak sources, you can move ahead with other steps.

If you notice stained ceilings and/or walls, try to pay special attention to these areas during the next rain or snowfall. If you are unable to wait for precipitation, you can simulate it by saturating the roof with a garden hose until the leak begins.

If you wish, you can attempt to locate the leak by doing the following. Measure the location of the obvious leak from two fixed points inside the house. These points can be exterior walls or any other structural element that extends through the finished to the attic or the surface of the roof. Using the measurements from inside the house, locate the approximate location of the leak in the attic. Depending on how the leak is situated, you may need to expand your search until you find it. If you don’t have an attic, go directly to the roof and search in a circular pattern until you pinpoint the problem. Have a question regarding roof repairs or gutters? Ask a roofing professional from Fortified Roofing of Middletown NJ.

Common roofing term explained by Fortified Roofing of Middletown NJ:

Roof scuppers

Scuppers are openings located in the sidewalls of an open-air structure and are usually placed at or near ground level. Roof scuppers are designed to prevent the build-up of water on the surface of the roof itself, thereby eliminating pooling and potential leaks. Scuppers are commonly used on ship decks, parapets and railed rooftops.

Question and answer courtesy of Fortified Roofing, local Middletown roofing company:

What is water intrusion?

Water intrusion takes place when unwanted and uncontrolled water enters a building. Common causes of water intrusion include exterior flooding, interior flooding, broken pipe, roof leaks and condensation. Water intrusion from a roof leak can be more subtle than other types of water intrusion, making it more likely to cause a mold problem or structural weakness.

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