Designer Roofing

Options In Designer Roofing

The typical passerby notices several home design features before taking note of its roof, but roofing nevertheless has an important role in the overall appearance of a residence. From traditional styles to contemporary innovations, the look of the roof either complements or detracts from the total design concept of the home. Local Cherry Hill roofing specialists are available to consult with customers about a roofing style that blends well with their personal aesthetics.

Traditional roofs reflect classic home design concepts that have stood the test of time. A weathered, wood-shingled roof caps off a Cape Cod or Federal-style structure with a hand-hewn, craftsman polish favored by homeowners in well-manicured neighborhoods.

Dutch Colonial houses show a considerable amount of roofing along second-floor slopes. Savvy home decorators take advantage by choosing roofing that makes a bold statement. Dark roofing complements a traditionally light or pastel hued house, and scalloped asphalt shingles give it a unique flair that celebrates the distinctive architecture.

Clay tile roofing is the typical choice for stucco or light-colored stone structures, adding warm contrast to otherwise stark architecture. Clay tile is a good choice for tall narrow homes, capping off tall, boxy geometrics with fluted rows of edgy texture.

For the lovely, elegant look of slate tile roofing at a budget-friendly price, composite roofing blends in lighter weight resins with natural materials that bring the stately look within the realm of more homeowners. Slate composites also come in non-traditional colors, so roofing a gray clapboard home with light-tinted slate makes a dramatic, ultimately contemporary statement.

For homes with intricately varied roof shapes, such as curved conservatory domes and dormers, mixing and matching roofing materials is a great strategy for subtly celebrating the differences.

Slightly varied shades of asphalt roofing or the same colors in different shingle profiles create a showcase of designer style.

Home decorators often choose to use metal roofing to make sweeping statements, working with steeply sloped roofs that serve as splashy canvases for strong colors. While the first instinct of homeowners roofing a cabin might be to select forest green or brown to blend with the environment, selecting red metal roofing for a modern timber frame structure or bright blue for a stone-sided cabin adds decorator flair.

Selecting a roofing color in the same tone family as the home’s siding gives the structure an integrated, unified look that can cause it to blend in with similarly hued surroundings. For example, roofing a natural-tone log cabin with cedar shakes in a prairie landscape lends the tableau a blended aspect.

Conversely, purposely selecting contrasting roofing materials makes a home stand out from its surroundings, demanding to be noticed. A brown brick building with a dark blue roof in a neighborhood of monotone homes becomes the most eye-catching house on the block.

Before selecting materials for a new roof, design-conscious consumers should take a few moments to think through their decorator options. By deciding whether they would like their roofs to contrast or coordinate with the architectural style, materials and setting of their houses, homeowners can more successfully select the roofing that meshes with their aesthetic preferences. The roofers at Fortified Roofing of Cherry Hill NJ can assist you with any questions regarding a roof repair or a new roof.

Term of the day, courtesy of the roofers at Fortified Roofing, Cherry Hill NJ:

Composite roofing

These shingles are the most common and the most affordable. There are several grades with some more durable, as well as, different brands and colors. Simple design, easy to install, can be installed over an existing roof, low maintenance, generally Class A fire protection. Material is usually asphalt or fiberglass and may have recycled content.

Cherry Hill roofers FAQ of the day:

How do I know which roof shingle is best for my house?

There are many factors to consider when choosing the roofing material for your house. Two of the most important factors are appearance and price. Mose homeowners desire to select roofing material that fits with the home design or style of house but they do not want it to be cost prohibitive. In most circumstances, a professional roofing contractor can assist with helping you select a suitable roofing material for you home that is within your budget.

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